Tuesday, November 6, 2007


My sister has been encouraging me to add something to this blog. She tells me that she checks it more often than I do. So in order to appease her...

Perhaps, I can recap a bit of halloween. I moved into a new neighborhood this year, and it's always difficult planning for how many kids (and their parents) will be soliciting candy from you. Based on previous years and adding a little for safety, I bought 3 bags of candy.

My first visitor was my 3-year-old neighbor, Gabriel. He came about a week before halloween to practice. He did very well with a bit of coaching that first night. Halloween came, and he didn't disappoint; he rolled up as Thomas the train, and asked boldly for a treat. I then got several other Gabriel-type kids streaming to my door for candy, candy, candy!

As the night rolled on, I gave candy to a few tricksters, and many treaters. However, I regret that the candy was gone by 8pm. Luckily, there was a break in the flow of kids, and I closed the door, turned out the light. I apologize to all the kids who came by after 8pm; I've learned my lesson and will need more candy next year.

Here's a Halloween poem that I liked by Teresa J. Shuck (unknown to the author):
'Twas the Night of Halloween

Twas the night of Halloween and all through the streets,
children were smiling about all of the yummy treats.
The pumpkins were carved and lit up with great care,
in hopes to give each passerby a great scare.

The grown ups were nestled all snug on the couch,
waiting to fill each child's little pouch.
And Pa watching football and I by the door,
waiting for screams of more, more, more.

When out in the yard their rose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the door I flew like a flash,
I did it so fast I got whip lash.

The moon on the kids and their costumes galore,
shined bright on the street of ghosts, goblins and more.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a devil, a witch and a princess with real tears.

As I bent down to ask what was causing her to cry,
I saw an empty bag and I didn't know why.
So I emptied my bowl and loaded her bag just right,

In lieu of halloween, I'm going to recommend a website that can magically transform anyone into a Simpson character. I believe many people know about the website, but in case you have not.....try the following links to see how this author looks...simpsonized.




Which do you like better? Send me an email and tell me at mikejolley@hotmail.com. Don't forget to forward the link to your simpsonized picture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey it's MoJo, thanks for putting up a new post for me! I love it! You should update this all the time so I know what you're up to. Also, add more pics so I can see you more and your hot new look! Love ya.

(For all women looking at this comment, I am his sister.)